Session Tracking: We know that a protocol is a set of rules which are used for exchanging the data between client and server side applications. Session Tracking example,Session Tracking in java,Session Tracking techniques in java,Session Tracking mechanisam in servlets,Session Tracking in servlets ,Session Tracking in jsp,Session Tracking all techniques
1. In the current internet world all the web applications are making use of a universal protocol called http.
2. http is one of the stateless protocol. A stateless protocol is one which maintains an identity of a client for a limited period of time. In the real world servers development all the web and application servers uses http protocol. So that all application and web servers are treated as stateless servers. Session Tracking example,Session Tracking in java,Session Tracking techniques in java,Session Tracking mechanisam in servlets,Session Tracking in servlets ,Session Tracking in jsp,Session Tracking all techniques
3. Stateless servers are by default treated every request of the same user as individual/fresh/new request that means if one internet user makes ‘n’ number of requests then all such requests are treated as individual/ new requests which is not a recommended process.
4. In any web application development if client makes multiple requests then as a server side programmer we must maintain all such individual requests as consecutive requests by making use of Session Tracking techniques. For example if we make first request to the servlet which is running in the context of server then the following sequence of operations will be taken place
i) Server control comes to service(-,-)
ii) Server instance a thread, objects of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.
iii) Server executes the request processing logic written in the service(-,-).
iv) Server gives the result of the servlet as a response back to the client.
v) Once the response is given back to the client the server remove or deletes the thread and Rqequest and Response objects.
Hence the same process is applicable to further sub sequent results and all the requests are treated as individual requests by the sever and even though multiple requests made by the same user. Hence the above points makes us to understand the real world web and application servers does not having any memory.
So by using the Session Tracking techniques which are available in the servlet API, As a servlet programmer for the real world servers we need to provide a short memory.
In the Short memory of web or Application server, what are all multiple requests made by the client are treated as consecutive results.
Definition of Session Tracking: The mechanism of maintaining multiple individual requests of same user as consecutive/sequence of Requests is known as Session Tracking.
In Servlet programming we have four Session Tracking techniques those are
i) Cookies
ii) Http Sessions
iii) Hidden form fields
iv) URL Rewritten
Topics:Session Tracking example,Session Tracking in java,Session Tracking techniques in java,Session Tracking mechanisam in servlets,Session Tracking in servlets ,Session Tracking in jsp,Session Tracking all techniques,Session Tracking defination
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